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Today in Korean history

National 14:00 May 18, 2024

May 19

1970 -- South Korea establishes diplomatic relations with Cambodia.

1980 -- Tens of thousands of students and other citizens stage demonstrations in the southwestern city of Gwangju, calling for an end to martial law and the release of dissident leader Kim Dae-jung.

1983 -- Opposition leader Kim Young-sam starts a hunger strike, calling for democracy in South Korea.

1998 -- Golfer Pak Se-ri wins the U.S. LPGA championship in Delaware.

2001 -- Former South Korean soldiers admit killing and burying innocent civilians in Gwangju in 1980, when tens of thousands of citizens staged demonstrations for democratization. The admission came during an interview with the Presidential Truth Commission on Suspicious Deaths that was released on May 18.

2002 -- Kim Hong-gul, the youngest son of then President Kim Dae-jung, is arrested on bribery charges.

2007 -- North Korea names Pak Ui-chun, 75, a former ambassador to Russia, as its new foreign minister. The post had been vacant since his predecessor, Paek Nam-sun, died in January.

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