Isaac Schultz's saved articles

Isaac Schultz
Science writer at Gizmodo, previously of Atlas Obscura. A native New Yorker. Mostly covering ancient things (on Earth and beyond) and masses extremely big or incredibly small.

This is one of the more clear examples of an industry rushing to replace real artists (that you’d have to pay) with AI, and the results are predictably awful. It’s a real “whatever, who gives a shit, it’s ‘free’” attitude, and it sucks. The art sucks, the “ethics” behind it suck, it’s all trash.  Read more

Draw it yourself. :+)

At first I was ready to take a verbal dump on the (at that moment unknown) author when I saw the name “Hans”. Then, I almost immediately realized what the article was all about. But I know Germain would never unintentionally misspell Han. It is Han pluralized, I get it. Read more

Incidentally, it may also be the only one that’s accurate... :P Read more

An exploded diagram (of sorts), exploded out of proportion.
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I hope the peer-review team laughed their heads off just as much as I did.  AI may have a way to go to compose valid scientific papers and diagrams, but it sure is doing well with comedy. Read more

Having a computer just make up bullshit instead of doing your job should get you fired Read more

AI-generated articles could cause a scientific integrity crisis. Read more

I need to take whatever supplements that rat’s been consuming.
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John Oliver will be delighted by this. Read more

Guess humans need to up our game, then.  About time we had some competition.
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My favorite part is the “Rat” label. Very helpful and informative. Read more

My quantum seatbelt is already buckled. Also, my quantum seatbelt is NOT...  Read more
