Matt Novak's discussions

Matt Novak
Matt Novak is a reporter at Gizmodo and founder of

They’d look fucking cool, but that’s about it.” Read more

Product recalls are such a joke in this country. I’d encourage you to google section 6B of the Consumer Product Safety Act, which lets companies restrict and edit what the CPSC can tell the public about their products. Read more

Your logic became really popular during the pandemic and I really don’t understand why people cling to it so strongly. If covid killed someone with a weakened immune system, they still died of covid. What are you gaining from claiming a person who is medically vulnerable didn’t die of the thing that obviously Read more

Well, maybe take a break until there’s no bird flu in it anymore.
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The problem is that it’s not just a risk for the person who consumes it now. If enough humans get bird flu and it starts to mutate in a way that makes it transmissible between humans, we’re screwed. Read more

The NFTs aren’t tax deductible in any way. The money doesn’t even go to Trump’s campaign, it’s just pure profit for him personally.
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Yeah, I thought about that too and almost mentioned it, but opted not to just because it felt a little too different from what’s going on here.
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I keep wondering the same thing. One of the cases from a few years ago seemed to involve a dolphin mother asking for food, which made it even more horrendous.
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Because we’re worried humans will be shitty with it.” Read more

That’s why I found it frustrating Lumen isn’t being more forthcoming about the details. This is a house of cards if four states can lose 911 when a single cable is damaged.
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I definitely winced at a couple of those. It’s amazing how easy it is to anthropomorphize these guys.
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It all depends. Local police will get reports from pilots but they’re not always caught. Read more

I didn’t mention income inequality until paragraph 12 because the report doesn’t mention it. I only brought it up because it seems so obvious to me as well, but I can’t center something that isn’t presented in the available data.
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The Inflation Reduction Act also capped prescription drug costs for Medicare at $3,000 starting this year and $2,000 starting next year. That’s great for people with serious conditions, but what happens to younger patients with serious conditions which are forcing them to pay sometimes tens of thousands of dollars Read more

That’s a valid question, but it’s not just about the length of time they’ve been around. Read more