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Trailers can park at online festival

Movie Trailer Festival brings in the unique

The first Intl. Movie Trailer Festival wasn’t afraid to ask tough questions of submissions, such as, “Would people go see a movie about Nazis in space?”

Nazis in orbit was the premise of one 2010 trailer entry, “Iron Sky.”

Co-founded by Ronald Sallon and Murray and Roberta Suid, the online festival and contest for movie trailers comes complete with cash prizes. The founders put together a panel of judges, a website and even fronted the $10,000 prize money.

Entries covered subjects across the board: Grand Prize winner “Where My Heart Beats” was for an Afghani documentary, while Special Jury Award winner “Red Light Revolution” is for a fiction feature about an unemployed man who opens a sex-toy shop in Beijing.

Sallon has partnered with, a site run by James Caan, Robert Duvall, Mark Rydell and Scott Caan that focuses on getting independent films seen and is also negotiating an alliance with a distributor that will review fest entries in search of projects with potential. Sallon won’t yet disclose the company’s name.

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Like a good trailer, he knows how to tease.

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