The Economist | Independent journalism

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Dateline: The Economist history quiz

The US in brief

Biden’s new immigration gamble

The Modi Raj

A new podcast series about the world’s most successful elected leader

United States

Legal immigration to America has rebounded

Is anyone paying attention?

Finance & economics

France’s next prime minister faces a brutal fiscal crunch

As well as a clash with the European Commission

Finance & economics

Does motherhood hurt women’s pay?

Two new studies suggest not—at least in the long run, and in Scandinavia

The world in brief

Vladimir Putin arrived in North Korea for his first visit since 2000...

Nvidia, the leading supplier of AI chips, became the world’s most valuable public company, surpassing Microsoft and Apple after months of jostling for the crown...

President Joe Biden announced a path to legal residency and eventual citizenship for the hundreds of thousands of migrants who arrived in America illegally but are married to American citizens...

Viktor Orban, Hungary’s Russia-friendly prime minister, endorsed Mark Rutte, the outgoing prime minister of the Netherlands, as NATO’s next secretary-general...

Britain’s Conservatives rule the Thames Estuary. Not for long

Our constituency poll in Gillingham and Rainham shows Labour on track for a thumping win

Banyan: Why caste still matters in Indian politics

Narendra Modi must rethink his approach to Hinduism’s social hierarchy

Why a drone war in Asia would look different from the one in Ukraine

Vast distances mean more propulsion and higher costs

China is going crazy for durians

Locals love the pungent fruit. The government sees an opportunity

Play the archive

Dateline: The Economist history quiz

The US in brief

Biden’s new immigration gamble

The Modi Raj

A new podcast series about the world’s most successful elected leader

World news

Israel’s northern border is ablaze

Can it fight Hamas and Hizbullah simultaneously?

Ray Kurzweil on how AI will transform the physical world

The changes will be particularly profound in energy, manufacturing and medicine, says the futurist

New research exposes the role of women in America’s slave trade

In the bondage of others they saw their freedom

Vladimir Putin’s dangerous bromance with Kim Jong Un

Russia’s dictator may arrive in Pyongyang this week

Business, finance and economics

Why house prices are surging once again

In America, Australia and parts of Europe, property markets have shrugged off higher interest rates

China’s giant solar industry is in turmoil

Overcapacity has caused prices—and profits—to tumble

Buttonwood: Has private credit’s golden age already ended?

A more competitive market is a less profitable one

The rapid rise of Chinese science

How worrying is the rapid rise of Chinese science?

If America wants to maintain its lead, it should focus less on keeping China down

China has become a scientific superpower

From plant biology to superconductor physics the country is at the cutting edge

The tech wars are about to enter a fiery new phase

America, China and the battle for supremacy


France’s snap election

A hard-right 28-year-old could soon be France’s prime minister

Jordan Bardella is poised, social-media savvy and enigmatic

France is being thrown into uncharted territory

It could soon have a government led by the hard-left or hard-right

How political “cohabitation” works in France

Upcoming parliamentary elections could lead to a new period of political friction

Why France’s president called a snap election

The centre wants to weaken Marine Le Pen’s hard right, in or out of power

America’s election

Republicans are favoured to win the Senate. What would they do?

Congressional Republicans are already considering the art of the possible

A second Trump term: from unthinkable to probable

Introducing our 2024 American election forecast model

Five months out, Donald Trump has a clear lead

America’s presidential race is no coin flip, says our forecast

Lexington: Joe Biden’s best chance to shake up the race

But in debating Donald Trump, he faces graver public doubts and a greater challenge than he did in 2020

Stories most read by subscribers

Featured read

Is now the right time to publish a novel by Louis-Ferdinand Céline?

A newly translated book by an antisemitic French novelist is sure to spark debate

Britain’s election

What would a rout do to the Tories?

A historic electoral defeat would be unlikely to prompt a speedy reckoning

Britain’s party manifestos lack detail but leave clues

Labour’s cagey plan would not give them a mandate for radical reform

1843 magazine | No British election is complete without a man with a bin on his head

Joke candidates reveal the carnival element of British democracy

Interactive UK election 2024

General-election forecast: will Labour destroy the Conservatives

Our seat-by-seat prediction for Britain’s next Parliament

The Israel-Hamas war

Hamas and Israel are still far apart over a ceasefire deal

For all America’s optimism, the two sides look fundamentally irreconcilable

Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot leave Israel’s war cabinet

Will this force Binyamin Netanyahu at last to decide to push for a ceasefire?

Talk of war between Israel and Lebanon is growing

Israel and Hizbullah would still prefer to avoid one, but that is getting ever harder to do

Who is responsible for feeding Gaza?

Arguments fly over Israel’s duty to maintain aid

The war in Ukraine

1843 magazine | “Monkeys with a grenade”: inside the nuclear-power station on Ukraine’s front line

Former employees say the plant is being dangerously mismanaged by the Russians

Ukraine has a navy that needs no sailors

It does a surprisingly good job of destroying Russian vessels

In Crimea, Ukraine is beating Russia

The peninsula is becoming a death trap for the Kremlin’s forces

Other highlights

Famous Birthdays wants to be the Wikipedia for Gen Z

From mega to micro stars, this is a validation that cannot be paid for

Three charts assess England’s chances of winning the Euros 2024

Bookmakers’ odds may not tell the whole story

Is now the right time to publish a novel by Louis-Ferdinand Céline?

A newly translated book by an antisemitic French novelist is sure to spark debate

The rise of Chinese science: Welcome or worrying?