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The US in brief

Reproductive rights at SCOTUS, in the Senate

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The Modi Raj

A new podcast series about the world’s most successful elected leader


A second Trump term: from unthinkable to probable

Introducing our 2024 American election forecast model


Li Qiang and China look to make up with Australia

The superpower is seeking to ease tensions with at least some of America’s allies


Britain’s party manifestos lack detail but leave clues

Labour’s cagey plan would not give them a mandate for radical reform

The world in brief

The G7 leaders warned Iran against advancing its nuclear programme, according to Reuters, a news agency...

South Africa’s African National Congress reached a deal to form a national unity government with the main opposition party, the Democratic Alliance...

The Bank of Japan said it would scale back its bond-buying program over the next two years...

America’s Supreme Court ruled that a ban on bump stocks, introduced by Donald Trump in 2018 after a mass shooting in Las Vegas, was unlawful...

A remarkable new era begins in South Africa

A national unity government can save democracy and the economy

Chaguan: Why China takes young Tibetans from their families

Visiting a Tibetan region where children must attend Chinese-language boarding schools

Three charts assess England’s chances of winning the Euros 2024

Bookmakers’ odds may not tell the whole story

Cautious optimism reigns at Art Basel this year

The continued downturn many feared seems not to have materialised

The US in brief

Reproductive rights at SCOTUS, in the Senate

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The Modi Raj

A new podcast series about the world’s most successful elected leader

More on America’s election

Five months out, Donald Trump has a clear lead

America’s presidential race is no coin flip, says our forecast

Lexington: Joe Biden’s best chance to shake up the race

But in debating Donald Trump, he faces graver public doubts and a greater challenge than he did in 2020

Might Wisconsin’s redrawn state-legislative districts help Biden win?

Democrats hope newly competitive local contests will boost turnout in the swing state

Interactive US election

Can you build an American voter?

Our model for America’s election

The rapid rise of Chinese science

How worrying is the rapid rise of Chinese science?

If America wants to maintain its lead, it should focus less on keeping China down

America’s assassination attempt on Huawei is backfiring

The company is growing stronger—and less vulnerable

The tech wars are about to enter a fiery new phase

America, China and the battle for supremacy


World news

Javier Milei finally lugs key reforms through Argentina’s Senate

Markets celebrated the two bills’ passing, after protesters took to the streets of Buenos Aires

Donald Trump’s trade hawk is plotting behind bars

Peter Navarro’s dark vision of the global economy could shape Trump 2

How will India’s new coalition government work?

Narendra Modi’s cabinet signals continuity, but may soon face unfamiliar difficulties

The president of Somaliland is bargaining for recognition

But a war at home has not helped his case

European elections

The three women who will shape Europe

At a crucial moment they encapsulate the dilemma of how to handle populism

Business, finance and economics

America seems immune to the world economy’s problems

Elsewhere, political dysfunction and fiscal frailties are taking a toll

The EU hits China’s carmakers with hefty new tariffs

Duties will only hold them back for a while

Hey Siri! Help me get Apple out of an AI-shaped hole

Tim Cook’s prayer to the almighty

The war for AI talent is heating up

Big tech firms scramble to fill gaps as brain drain sets in

America’s election year

Donald Trump’s trade hawk is plotting behind bars

Peter Navarro’s dark vision of the global economy could shape Trump 2

America’s billionaires should resist the urge to support Donald Trump

A Trump victory would reward them. But not enough to justify the risks

In brief

Reproductive rights at SCOTUS, in the Senate

Our daily political update, featuring the stories that matter

Trump v Biden: who’s ahead in the polls?

The Economist is tracking the race to be America’s next president

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Britain’s election

What would a rout do to the Tories?

A historic electoral defeat would be unlikely to prompt a speedy reckoning

Bagehot: What separates Tony Blair’s Labour from the party today? 

The approach to globalisation is the clearest dividing-line of all

Our constituency poll has awful news for Britain’s Tories

Hartlepool is on track to lurch back to Labour in the election. Reform UK is in second spot

Interactive UK election 2024

General-election forecast: will Labour destroy the Conservatives

Our seat-by-seat prediction for Britain’s next Parliament

The Israel-Hamas war

Hamas and Israel are still far apart over a ceasefire deal

For all America’s optimism, the two sides look fundamentally irreconcilable

Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot leave Israel’s war cabinet

Will this force Binyamin Netanyahu at last to decide to push for a ceasefire?

Talk of war between Israel and Lebanon is growing

Israel and Hizbullah would still prefer to avoid one, but that is getting ever harder to do

Who is responsible for feeding Gaza?

Arguments fly over Israel’s duty to maintain aid

The war in Ukraine

In Crimea, Ukraine is beating Russia

The peninsula is becoming a death trap for the Kremlin’s forces

Russia’s explosion of a huge Ukrainian dam had surprising effects

A year after the blast and flood, Ukrainians disagree over whether to rebuild Kakhovka

Ukraine has a navy that needs no sailors

It does a surprisingly good job of destroying Russian vessels

Other highlights

1843 magazine | Can fasting help you live to 100?

An Italian doctor thinks it can – and he’s got a diet to sell you

Kung fu gives Africans their kicks

A rare soft-power export from China is spreading across the continent

It’s a bird, it’s a plane…it’s a Chinese flying car

China is developing the vehicles faster than any other country

New Zealand is changing its place names

But many citizens struggle to pronounce Maori monikers

Stories most read by subscribers

Featured read

Russian exiles are making a mark in the Caucasus and Central Asia

People and businesses are flooding into the region

The rise of Chinese science: Welcome or worrying?