It is not clear whether the comment indicates one of the jurors defied the judge. Its author claims to be a "professional s**t poster."
Trump skipped a visit to Aisne-Marne American Cemetery outside Paris in 2018 because it was raining and instead stayed indoors and tweeted all afternoon.
An overwhelmed, underfunded system is jamming ERs with patients in psychiatric distress. And sometimes the consequences are deadly.
The Oregon man was headed to a campsite with four dogs. When one showed up alone and covered in glass, other campers knew something was wrong.
Fresh allegations are surfacing about Donald Trump's disrespectful behavior toward Black contestants on the reality TV show he hosted from 2004 to 2015.
Israel faces heavy international criticism over unprecedented levels of civilian casualties in Gaza.
David DePape has already been sentenced to 30 years in federal prison for the hammer attack on the husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
The New York actor and composer says she hopes the musical and its cast album energize audiences who are feeling weary amid America's political divide.
There's just one problem: Doing so would fly in the face of a 150-year-old law.
U.N. agencies warned Wednesday that over 1 million Palestinians in Gaza could experience the highest level of starvation by the middle of next month if hostilities continue.
The ad baselessly claims Rep. Colin Allred (D-Texas), who is challenging Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), supports reparations for slavery.
"The Daily Show" host likened the former president to a "white hat hacker" who is finding "vulnerabilities" in the country.

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