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A new group is fighting back against anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and hate at a time when community members are increasingly worried about being targeted.
A win for Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party would mean France could end up with its first far-right prime minister since the end of World War II.
The California Democrat spotted a "fascinating thing" about GOP lawmakers after the verdict in the former president's hush money trial.
Critics pounced on the former president’s suggestion.
The alternative rock band stunned with the undisputed highlight of the night at an event that also honored Steely Dan and Timbaland.
The Republican candidate pushed back at the former president's support -- to Fox News, no less.
“This is the end to the story," said one former student, who was at the Florida high school in 2018 when 17 people were fatally wounded.
IBM fired the technology legend in 1968 after she disclosed she was undergoing a gender transition, but formally apologized in 2020, and gave her a lifetime achievement award.
"You could go to a Taylor Swift concert this summer and see less giddiness," host Willie Geist snarked about Republicans fawning over the ex-president.
Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, an Air Force veteran, criticized lawmakers who have "never served" over their takes on service members' "freedom."
The British Geological Study named three songs that led to especially noticeable seismic activity at the pop superstar’s shows in Scotland.
The Supreme Court justice took the trips, which were paid for by billionaire political donor Harlan Crow, between 2017 and 2021.

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