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“This is the day we all have been looking forward to,” said a Central Florida Tourism Oversight District board member.
The Wall Street Journal reporter has been imprisoned in Moscow since his arrest in March 2023.
“No,” the president reportedly said when asked if he’d use his authority to give his son special treatment.
Mark Adams Prieto, who had nearly 200 guns in his house, claimed what prosecutors say was a planned attack in Atlanta was only a "fantasy."
The former president riffed on Taylor Swift, a hypothetical love affair with Nancy Pelosi and the supposedly “horrible” city of Milwaukee.
“I promise you, I don’t concern myself with them,” she told a congregation in Georgia. “I am too busy working."
Senate Republicans filibustered Democratic legislation that would guarantee access to in vitro fertilization on Thursday, calling it unnecessary.
Even though possessing drug paraphernalia was decriminalized in Minnesota last year, Jessica Beske could face up to 30 years in prison.
"Most parents are trying to keep their children away from marijuana. But it wasn’t a stretch for us to try anything to help our daughter."
After news broke that the former president had called Milwaukee a "horrible city," his adviser Steven Cheung tried to spin the remarks.
The original cast spoke to Variety as plans for a revival of the 1999 horror classic get underway.
The Oscar winner was fortunately out to dinner with her longtime partner during the first break-in, but home alone during the second.

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