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Editorials from Korean dailies

Editorials from Korean dailies
  • #PPP (EDITORIAL from Korea JoongAng Daily on Sept. 20) Time to end the vicious cycle of 'vetocracy' Shortly after the Chuseok holiday, the governing People Power Party (PPP) and the majority Democratic Party (DP) fiercely clashed again over sensitive ... 07:14 Sep. 20
  • #Yoon (EDITORIAL from Korea Times on Sept. 20) Post-Chuseok challenges Yoon faces grave task of recovering approval ratings Back from the recent Chuseok holiday, President Yoon Suk Yeol faces a critical challenge in reversing his sharply decli... 07:14 Sep. 20
  • #editorials (EDITORIAL from Korea Times on Sept. 19) Calling NK's bluff Allies should resolutely address Pyongyang's nuclear build-up With less than 50 days until the U.S. presidential election, North Korea is intensifying its provocations. On the f... 07:04 Sep. 19
  • #editorials (EDITORIAL from Korea Herald on Sept. 19) Nuclear comeback Commission permits building of new reactors; Korea must improve electricity grid The Yoon Suk Yeol administration has ushered in a nuclear energy renaissance as it permitted the l... 07:04 Sep. 19
  • (EDITORIAL from Korea JoongAng Daily on Sept. 13) Discipline must start with the presidential office It is shocking that several cases of corruption, including illegal transactions, occurred in the process of relocating the presidential office to... 06:57 Sep. 13
  • (EDITORIAL from Korea Times on Sept. 13) Alarming household debt All steps needed to prevent home prices from soaring An international organization issued a warning that Korea's high levels of household debt could pose a significant thre... 06:57 Sep. 13
  • (EDITORIAL from Korea Herald on Sept. 13) Prepare against threats Seoul has to strengthen measures against more serious provocations from Pyongyang North Korea has been ratcheting up its threatening moves in recent weeks, a development th... 06:56 Sep. 13
  • (EDITORIAL from Korea JoongAng Daily on Sept. 12) How to confuse the market and consumers Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) Gov. Lee Bok-hyun apologized for his confusing remarks on the bank loan policy. He apologized to "the people, consumers a... 07:01 Sep. 12
  • (EDITORIAL from Korea Times on Sept. 12) Blacklisted doctors Striking doctors should heed appeals of critically ill patients Doctors are currently divided, with hardliners accusing moderates of betrayal for resuming their work and condemn... 07:01 Sep. 12
  • (EDITORIAL from Korea Herald on Sept. 12) Outdated custom Probe of sport association exposes problems; operational transparency must be established The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism announced Tuesday the interim results of its on... 07:01 Sep. 12
  • #editorials (EDITORIAL from Korea Times on Sept. 11) Path to resolution Doctors should step forward for talks to end medical crisis Amid a medical crisis that has dragged on for more than seven months, a minor but significant development has taken p... 07:05 Sep. 11
  • #editorials (EDITORIAL from Korea Herald on Sept. 11) Dispute-laden tax scheme Rival parties must make fast decision on financial investment income tax The "Korea discount" generally refers to the idea that South Korean stocks remain undervalued. Thi... 07:04 Sep. 11
  • #editorial (EDITORIAL from Korea Times on Sept. 9) KFA must heed fans National football team needs to regain trust South Korea's World Cup qualifier on Thursday highlighted serious issues with the national football team. Despite being ranked 23rd ... 07:01 Sep. 09
  • #editorial (EDITORIAL from Korea Herald on Sept. 9) Seek breakthrough Govt. suggests 4-way talks over med school quota as ER crisis deepens The South Korean government now holds the position that it can discuss the option of adjusting the medical s... 07:01 Sep. 09
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