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FEBRUARY 3: At 25, Tara Deshpande is not yet done and over with. After Fifty and Done -- the actress' first book last year -- Tara was all...

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FEBRUARY 3: At 25, Tara Deshpande is not yet done and over with. After Fifty and Done — the actress’ first book last year — Tara was all set to release her collection of verse (A Love for any Kind), when she changed her mind. At the invitation of Adobe and, an online bookstore, she decided to pack a punch in India’s first interactive novel. A murder mystery, which was Tara’s idea, the book is titled Motive. By Tara and You. Yes, you… the reader. For, this e-book is open to all those who’ll log on to, and offers them once-in-a-lifetime chance to create literary as well as Internet history.

From the thousands of entries they expect a second chapter wil be chosen. Then it’s back to Tara who will `Reply’ with chapter three. She will continue to write every alternate chapter till the crucial number eight.And End.

With Motive‘s first chapter having already been written by Tara, the second chapter is now open for Netizens. Although February 12 is the last date,“ within three days we received 3,000 entries," says the actress, who will feature in four films this year — India Phir Bhi No. 1, Danger and Prashna Chinh, in that succession, probably. “But all that will take a backseat for some time, for I want to concentrate on Motive," says Tara.


Ask her why only a murder mystery and she says: “It’s an easier genre of writing. With this `cause and effect’ stream, which has a typical chain of thought, everything is due to fall into its own place.” She had to study the technical part of murder mystery writing, which meant re-reading her huge collection comprising Arthur Connan Doyale, Perry Mason, Agatha Christie, Edgar Allan Poe and John Grisham. “I read them from the analytical point of view this time and found that Agatha Christie uses many characters to confuse the reader.”

How was it writing the first chapter? “No phone calls, no doorbells, unlimited coffee, no traffic noise and Madonna playing Like a Prayer," says Tara, who likes reading Gabriel Marquez, R K Narayan, Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz and Vikram Seth.

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Is her style going to be influenced by any of them? She doesn’t know, frankly. “Because when the best of the second chapter is selected, it will define the third, which I’ll write.” And since every alternate chapter, till the eighth, will be shared between Tara and the readers, the style will unfold with time only.

And there are prizes too. If you become a co-author for the book, there are trips to places to Goa. And if by the seventh chapter, even as a reader, you guess who the criminal is then also there’s loads in the offing. But there are rules (rather, tips) to it, too.


“Keep the plot moving — always,” suggests Tara on the website. “Remember, conclusions will be drawn only at the end of chapter 6. So one has all the freedom to manoeuvre the plot and the characters in any way.” Also, she asks for letting the story grow, but logically. “Develop motives, embellish the plot and make it more intriguing. Make it difficult to guess the identity of the killer, heightening the suspense and keeping the interest alive. Once you’ve finished writing, read it out aloud. Show it to some trusted friends. If they find it gripping, you’ve probably got it right. If they find it boring, it obviously needs some changes.” Obviously.

And we suggest you read a couple of murder mysteries to get an idea of how to go about it. “You may change the locale and take the characters abroad. However, do this only if you are really familiar with those places. You are allowed to introduce a few minor characters but no major ones. And dialogue is vital. It keeps the story moving and takes away the tedium of wading through reams of exposition,” screams the site.

Once completed, the book will be available both as an e-book and in the paperback format, with full credit to its co-authors. That will be when? Will it follow the Parker’s Law of as long as you have got. “No. People are really excited and each chapter won’t take more than two weeks.” So another two months.

First uploaded on: 04-02-2001 at 00:00 IST
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