
Displaying articles 21 to 40 out of 333 total.

Guest columnist Laura Briggs: Why send police to halt a peaceful protest at UMass?

05-20-2024 10:05 AM


 Let’s just say the obvious: The University of Massachusetts Amherst — indeed the overwhelming majority of universities — have never before sent phalanxes of police in riot gear to respond to peaceful protests by students within minutes or hours of...

Ken Rosenthal: Time to change direction on Jones Library

05-10-2024 9:23 PM

The Jones Library in Amherst received only one contractor’s bid for its long-planned renovation and expansion. When supplemental costs are added, that brings the estimated total project cost to at least $54 million. What seemed expensive before is now...

Nate Watson: Regarding the college encampment protests and antisemitism

05-10-2024 9:22 PM

If handed images of the college encampment protests and told to mark the antisemitism, many people would circle students wearing keffiyehs and waving Palestinian flags. The rise of antisemitism in America is undeniable, but I hear the call from...

Kurt Heidinger: Biden breaking law, not students

05-10-2024 9:22 PM

Because our president, with votes of support from our Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Edward Markey, is breaking the law, our nation is lawless; and instead of him our college students are, for demanding he obey the law, being arrested and processed as...

Kathy Gregg: You go, students!

05-10-2024 9:22 PM

I am full of admiration for the UMass students who are demonstrating on campus demanding that the university divest from American companies that make weapons Israel uses against Palestinians.I commend them for cooperating with the university’s demand...

Sanjay Arwade: A great day for Amherst Youth BaseballAnother spring, another great day for Amherst Youth Baseball at Lorden Field at UMass. Once again, the Minutemen and Coach Matt Reynolds were gracious hosts, bringing more than 70 youngsters into their pregame huddle and out onto the field for the National Anthem.To top it off, the Minutemen defeated St. Joe’s as part of a weekend sweep with Amherst native and Amherst Youth Baseball alum Justin Masteralexis as the starting pitcher.The Minutemen are putting together a nice season and we encourage everyone to go out and support them at Lorden Field.Sanjay ArwadePresident, Amherst Youth Baseball

05-10-2024 9:22 PM

Another spring, another great day for Amherst Youth Baseball at Lorden Field at UMass. Once again, the Minutemen and Coach Matt Reynolds were gracious hosts, bringing more than 70 youngsters into their pregame huddle and out onto the field for the...

Guest columnist Dr. Meghan Gump: Dear Patients — We hear you!

05-10-2024 9:21 PM


 As a family practitioner and the medical director of Valley Medical Group, I care deeply about my patients and our community. During my 20 years of practicing full-spectrum primary care in Franklin County, I have come to value the relationships I...

Guest columnist Marietta Pritchard: Landlines and more in our parallel universe

05-10-2024 9:21 PM


 Recent news reports and events have reminded me that my husband and I are living in a parallel universe. We use a landline and we read print newspapers, which are delivered to our house daily.I have and use a cellphone, but my husband does not. He...

Charlene Galenski: Blake Gilmore, a strong candidate for Deerfield’s Selectboard

05-06-2024 5:30 PM

On May 6, Deerfield will have its annual election for local positions. Blake Gilmore is running as a candidate for Selectboard.Deerfield is facing some financially challenging times. Over the past few years, the town has voted to finance several...

Annette Pfannebecker: Vote yes for Shores Ness and for Deerfield

05-06-2024 5:30 PM

It’s a fact: Carolyn Shores Ness is committed to enhancing all aspects of life in Deerfield. Through her eagle eye on fiscal responsibility, she has supported businesses, farms, education, health and safety, seniors, roads and infrastructure,...

Patricia Crosby: Meeting of Friends call for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza

05-06-2024 5:30 PM


 As Friends (Quakers), we respect the humanity of all people, which is why we have sought nonviolent responses to conflict anywhere. Our experience teaches us that violence only creates hatred, fear, hopelessness, and endless new cycles of war and...

Guest columnist Rudy Perkins: Dangerous resolution pins ‘aggression’ on Iran

05-06-2024 5:28 PM


 Both the Iranian government’s bombing of Israel and the Israeli government’s bombing of Iran are extremely perilous for the Middle East and the United States. That is why the dangerously one-sided U.S. congressional resolution, H.Res. 1143,...

Guest columnist Oriel Strong: Think unconstrained thoughts

04-29-2024 8:38 PM


Mariel E. Addis’ April 17 guest column “Under siege from all sides” was heartfelt and thought-provoking. I share Addis’ foundational ethic that we must resist ranking any human being as better or worse than another. Trans and gender-nonconforming...

Letter: Thankful for Public Libraries

04-29-2024 8:33 PM

We were excited to read the March 22 Gazette article “Libraries turning the page: They’re still in the business of books, but embracing new role as community ‘third space,’” because reporter Maddie Fabian eloquently described what we have anecdotally...

David Sloviter: The ghosts of Warsaw don't really speak

04-29-2024 8:33 PM

It’s not really fair to use conversations with ghosts and other dead people to justify one’s personal opinion. Guest columnist Richard Bogartz admitted that he does not believe in ghosts but then uses what he believes he hears them say [“What the...

Judy Gutlerner: An investment in joy

04-29-2024 8:33 PM

As a retired performing arts teacher, it is always disheartening to learn that whenever there is a budget crisis such as in Northampton, the arts are the first to be cut.Missing from the ongoing discussion is the positive effect a performance has on...

Rachel Vigderman: Area women ending silence over weaponization of rape

04-29-2024 8:33 PM

I want to commend Sara Weinberger for her column “The appalling silence over the atrocities of October 7th” [Gazette, April 15]. As co-president of the Northampton/Amherst Chapter of Hadassah I would like to report that area residents, along with...

Adam Siegel: For Lease

04-29-2024 8:33 PM

We had a pretty little gift shop in Amherst, briefly. Botanica, open for about six months, attracted a lot of business … on the day it closed. When everything went on sale. Let's do better Amherst.Adam SiegelAmherst

Bridget Miller: Why walkability is the pathway to a healthy Amherst community

04-29-2024 8:32 PM


Picture a quiet rural town where the charm of winding roads and open spaces should invite pleasant walks and friendly encounters. Yet, instead of a stroll, residents navigate treacherous paths and dodge traffic on roads devoid of sidewalks or safe...

Peter M. Haas: A scary national program

04-18-2024 7:20 PM

Recent Republican initiatives reveal an insidious systematic and escalating grand campaign aimed at a demographic transformation and even ethnic cleansing in the United States. It is becoming increasingly clear that the conservative republicans are...

Displaying articles 21 to 40 out of 333 total.
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