
Displaying articles 81 to 100 out of 333 total.

Jonathan Klate: Make American great again?

02-23-2024 9:51 PM

A few months ago, my wife and I stood in solemn remembrance and reverent contemplation in the American cemetery at Omaha Beach in Normandie, regarding the inscription of the poignant words of General Mark W. Clark whose Fifth Army led the liberation...

Kaylee Brow: There are better places to store junk

02-23-2024 9:51 PM

I wanted to voice my agreement with the column written by Aubrey Menard regarding the storage facility being built next to the rail trail in Hadley [“They paved paradise and put up storage facility,” Bulletin, Feb. 9]. This is a huge loss for everyone...

Guest columnists Jay Fleitman and Mary Lou Stuart:

02-23-2024 9:50 PM


The Republican State Committee is the board of directors of the party. It operates like any organizational board; determining policies, direction, approving finances, and electing officers, particularly the chair position. As such, the state...

Nick Seamon: Questions critic’s taste

02-15-2024 8:29 PM

Who cares what J.Mascis thinks? [“Leaders bite back at dining diss,” Bulletin, Feb. 9.] I know I don’t. If his taste in food is like his taste in music, that would explain a lot.Nick SeamonOwner, The Black Sheep deli, Amherst

Guest columnist Justin Pelland: Hadley should house people, not junk

02-15-2024 8:28 PM


In a recent column, “They paved paradise and put up a storage facility,” [Bulletin, Feb. 9], Aubrey Menard highlighted what is arguably one of Hadley’s most embarrassing truths: The town has no regard for the intrinsic value of land and the importance...

Anthony Fyden: ‘Book banning’ hyperbole demeans real censorship

02-15-2024 8:22 PM

Like a modern-day Paul Revere, columnist Bill Newman is sounding the alarm that libraries are “under attack.” [“Libraries under attack — Fight back,” Gazette, Jan. 13]. I’ve got good news. The actual number of recently banned books is precisely zero....

Mehrene Larudee: Fund UNRWA now

02-15-2024 8:22 PM

Imagine that in a U.S. elementary school, several teachers were accused of committing a felony, though evidence was not yet public and no prosecution had yet occurred. Would anyone demand defunding the whole school and depriving students of their...

Darcy Dumont: My net-zero energy ‘ranchrofit,’ Part 1

02-15-2024 8:20 PM

I’ve been thinking of doing an overall “ranchrofit” on my home for quite a few years now to make it a net-zero energy home, but my general indecisiveness has been holding me up.I live in Orchard Valley in Amherst, a 1960s planned development where...

Guest columnist Aubrey Menard: They paved paradise and put up a storage facility

02-08-2024 8:43 PM


Every spring as the Valley turns green and warmth returns to the air, I look forward to pulling my bike out and going for a ride. I live in Amherst, so one of my favorite places to ride is along the Norwottuck Rail Trail, past the beautiful Hadley...

Guest columnist Dan Peters: No, you bleep: Refs have had enough

02-08-2024 8:43 PM


Imagine being at your workplace trying to perform your job duties and you hear your boss yell the following comments directed at you: “That’s terrible!” “Open up your eyes.” “You blew that one!” “Where are your glasses?!?!” Can you imagine trying to...

Guest columnist Jeffrey Fishman: Less than informed, in denial of facts

02-08-2024 8:43 PM


As someone who has struggled continuously to find understanding and respect for those Republican voters who ardently support the ex-president, being informed and educated about scientific evidence and widely accepted facts is critical to garnering...

Annette Pfannebecker: Congress must find solutions to stop death toll in Gaza 

02-03-2024 10:55 AM

Ten U.S. senators joined Sen. Bernie Sanders to pass Resolution 502B© under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. This resolution simply asks the State Department for a report on human rights records of any country receiving U.S. military assistance....

Cydnie Reiman: State flag should showcase beaver

02-03-2024 10:55 AM

After reading the Jan. 9 Gazette article [“State reckons with its history”], I decided to write with my idea of a component for the new state flag.The beaver. The beaver has always been important to Massachusetts (as well as the rest of New England)....

Thomas Doubleday: Why Trump stays on ballot

02-03-2024 10:55 AM

I find it very interesting that an attorney such as John Bonifaz, who is supposed to be versed on constitutional rights, thinks it is OK to skirt amendments such as the Fifth, which states that everyone is afforded the right to a fair trial and the...

Lori Goldner: Be mindful of vehicle idling

02-03-2024 10:55 AM

As the winter gets colder, the Amherst Energy and Climate Action Committee would like to encourage all drivers to remain mindful of their vehicle idling habits. While protection from the cold is important, idling a car for longer than five minutes is...

Anna Nagurney: Thanks for the uplifting, terrific local journalism

02-03-2024 10:55 AM

I’d like to commend the Gazette journalists and staff for the outstanding Jan. 25 print edition, which continues to make me smile (and that is quite needed during these very challenging times).From the front page article on the NHS senior Noah...

Ken Kahn: Better sports headers for paper

02-03-2024 10:55 AM

In the daily sports section The Gazette has two basketball lists: “College Hoops: The Top Twenty Five” and “Women’s Hoops: The Top Twenty Five.” I suggest a change of the first to “Men’s Hoops: The Top Twenty Five” is both long overdue and more...

Randi Stein: Should try connecting with her tribe

02-03-2024 10:55 AM

I am offended and bewildered by the words of guest columnist Sarena Neyman, who says she is “losing her tribe over Gaza.” [“Losing my tribe over Gaza,” Gazette, Jan. 20]. While I want to hasten to say I too have come to a position that a cease-fire...

Columnist Johanna Neumann: Halfway there — 2023 a year for major green projects in Amherst

02-03-2024 10:53 AM


Happy 2024. After my last column, I got feedback from a reader who pointed out that I missed a topic in my round-up of environmental progress in 2023. She mentioned that I had completely failed to mention Amherst voters overwhelmingly approving plans...

Guest columnist Sarena Neyman: Losing my tribe over Gaza

01-25-2024 11:11 AM


For me, being Jewish was never about religion or Zionism. My Holocaust survivor parents sent me to Jewish day schools and Zionist summer camps, but none of that stuck. I haven’t set foot in a synagogue for decades and have always been critical of...

Displaying articles 81 to 100 out of 333 total.
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