Kurt Heidinger: Biden breaking law, not students

Matt Moloney via StockSnap

Published: 05-10-2024 9:22 PM

Because our president, with votes of support from our Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Edward Markey, is breaking the law, our nation is lawless; and instead of him our college students are, for demanding he obey the law, being arrested and processed as criminals.

As Sen. Warren explained to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on Jan. 26, “The “Leahy Laws” set a clear standard that the U.S. should not provide assistance to foreign security force units if there are credible allegations that a unit has committed a “gross violation of human rights.” On April 5, she made credible allegations Israel is committing genocide: “If you want to do it as an application of law, I believe that they’ll find that it is genocide, and they have ample evidence to do so.”

Why she and Markey voted on April 23 to send weapons of war to Israel is for them to explain.

They broke the Leahy Law — and as their lawlessness spreads, illiberal might-is-right governance protects the safety and speech of lawbreakers by attacking, silencing and criminalizing the lawful.

Kurt Heidinger
