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Finley: Campus antisemitism is the most dangerous strain

Nolan Finley
The Detroit News

Five years ago, Congress declared White supremacists and other far-right-wing extremists as the most significant domestic terrorism threat facing the United States.

Now, it is fair to argue the biggest danger to the well-being of many Americans comes from the far-left intelligentsia on the country's supposedly elite and enlightened college campuses.

Students and professors who pledge solidarity with the anti-Israel college protesters spewing vile antisemitism are nurturing the roots of what could grow into a broad and extreme hate movement.

It is possible to condemn the policies of the United States and Israel and not be an anti-Semite. It's possible to support the Palestinians and not hate the Jews. But those who shout, "Death to Jews, Death to Zionists," block Jewish students from university buildings and attack them physically or verbally simply for being Jewish bear the guilt of anti-semitism.

Blaming Jews in America for the actions of Israel is classic antisemitism, and that is what's underpinning much of the pro-Palestinian protests. Too many of the protesters want not just the elimination of Israel, but also the diminishment of Jewish influence in this country.

In that, these Kampus Klansmen have much in common with the White supremacist groups Congress warned us about. They are wearing keffiyehs instead of white hoods and sheets, but they are sending the same message to Jews: We don't want you here.

The danger of antisemitism becoming systemic on campuses is real. Will the negotiations with the protesters lead to caps on Jewish enrollment? Will Jewish professors have to denounce their faith and spiritual homeland to get hired at top colleges? Will the calls for divesting in Israel exclude Jewish-led companies from campus collaborations?

Universities must act with purpose to purge their campuses of all traces of antisemitism, just as they would to stamp out any elements of racism. It's the same thing.

Students who engage in violence and vandalism should be expelled. Let them enroll in community colleges, where they won't be such a burden on taxpayers when President Joe Biden orders us to pay off their student loans.

Professors who join in the illegal acts and shield protesters from police should get the boot. Same goes for those who weave anti-Semitic propaganda into their coursework. Tenure should not protect them from the consequences of breaking the law or sowing hatred.

Some of those who helped organize the demonstrations and have voiced support for the destruction of Israel and threatened violence against Jews are here on visas. United States immigration law allows the deportation of non-citizens who provide material support to terrorist groups. Hamas is a designated terrorist organization. Actions that undermine U.S. backing for Israel in its effort to destroy Hamas should be considered material support for the terrorists.

Antisemitism can't be allowed to take hold on campuses. There, among the nation's educated class and its next generation of leaders, is where it is most frightening.

Jews always have been on the front lines of civil rights battles in this country. They've also been among the most generous supporters of liberal academia. They should not see the ideals and institutions they fought for turn against them.

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