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"We genuinely do not know what he's talking about," press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.
Heavy rains left three people dead in Mexico but also brought hope to a region suffering under a prolonged, severe drought.
"Boeing’s crime is the deadliest corporate crime in U.S. history," read a letter from the victims' families.
“We made no preparations last time, none,” the Trump confidant admitted to undercover journalists, adding that Republicans are now on an “offensive footing.”
The Human Rights Council's report detailed war crimes by Hamas on Oct. 7 and crimes against humanity by Israeli forces in Gaza and the West Bank since then.
Willie Mays' over-the-shoulder catch became the most iconic moment in the Hall of Famer’s decorated career that featured 660 home runs.
The federal holiday marks the day in 1865 when the last enslaved people in the U.S. learned they were free.
The "Better Sister" star was spotted in Manhattan mere hours after Timberlake, the father of her two children, was booked for driving while under the influence.
Valentina Gomez, whose campaign for Missouri secretary of state has consisted of homophobic stunts and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, was eviscerated on social media.
The proposal would likely increase the deficit and encourage more workers to seek tips.
The former president planned to stay at his own property in Chicago, 90 miles away, but shifted his plans amid questions from media outlets.
The engaging chat between the Giants superstar and Dodgers broadcaster went viral after Mays' death.

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