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Mays was arguably the greatest all-around baseball player of the 20th century.
The former president planned to stay at his own property in Chicago, 90 miles away, but shifted his plans amid questions from media outlets.
Greg Kelly uttered a breathtakingly stupid take on the ex-president and the historic case of a Black man unjustly killed by white men.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a new partnership that includes a vow of mutual aid if either country is attacked.
The MSNBC anchor used Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler to make a scathing point about Donald Trump loyalist Hawley.
“When children and teens are in school, they should be focused on their studies, not their screens,” the governor said Tuesday.
The infectious disease expert said the then-president was fixated on one thing during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic.
Like last year's "Barbie," a new documentary raises questions about whether seeing yourself reflected in commercialized art serves you or a corporation.
Ramin Setoodeh said Trump even seemed to think he still had foreign policy powers after leaving office.
"Why would he stay with someone who could do such a disgusting thing, especially when we’d only been together three months?"
Mocking new roles were also found for the latest batch of Republican hopefuls.
The "Late Show" host mocked the Trump adviser for not getting his main prison wish.

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