
Tech 2024-05-06T10:28:01Z
Hands aggressively pointing at a Workday App, with exclamation marks emanating from the app

The most hated workplace software on the planet

It creates mountains of busywork for everyone. So why do more than half of the companies in the Fortune 500 use it?
Economy 2024-05-05T10:27:02Z
Photo illustration of the Wall Street Bull with a suitcase, plane, laptop and palm trees.

Wall Street big shots may be forced to cancel their summer vacations

Forget the Hamptons and put down the rosé: stubborn inflation and stock market volatility are making this Wall Street's summer of worry.
Tech 2024-05-05T09:48:01Z
Jan Sramek standing in wide field of grass with powerlines in the and a wooden shed in the back

The Goldman prodigy behind Silicon Valley's glorious city of the future

Jan Sramek believes the solution to the housing crisis is to build a new city from scratch  — and that he's the guy to get it done.
Media 2024-05-02T09:38:02Z
Illustration of a 3d Bust and hand holding a phone.

Gen Z's new status symbol

There's an alarming surge in facial injections driven by young people. In a remote, online world, the hottest status symbol is your face.
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